
Emerging | Immersive Media Design

Emerging Media Experiences

Illustration of Patricia Antelles

Creative Technologist / Producer in emerging media and immersive spaces. I work at the intersection of technology, story and design. Collaborating with interdisciplinary teams we create engaging experiences connected to compelling stories. I am always interested in contributing my human centered design sensibility to an aligned projects, labs and creative workspaces focusing on engaging story making and storytelling.

As Creative Producer and curator of emerging media I work on cutting edge experiential media projects. I collaborate with and often manage design and tech teams producing compelling experiences across film, gaming, social, immersive and interactive media. My passion is amplifying the potential of interactive, augmented, virtual and mixed realities to digital storytelling.


2018 & 2019 Oculus Launch Pad Fellow

Oculus Launch Pad Fellow

Selected for 2018 and 2019 Oculus Launch Pad program designed to support promising virtual reality content creators. A cohort over 100 diverse, interdisciplinary professionals we grow together as emerging media artists, designers and developers in the immersive field. Supporting each other we prototype our unique ideas bringing them to venues, platforms and markets with important experience design and technical support.

UX sketches

UX, UI, Storyboard, User-Centered Design

Udemy, Lynda, LinkedIn Learning

Digital Marketing

Social Marketing Storytelling Experiences, General Assembly


Milagro Sundance Writers

Two Year Storytelling Workshop with Joan Tewkesbury

Constructed Memories Project graphic collage

Constructed Memories

Selected for TFI POND5 PROGRAM Fall 2019 CONSTRUCTED MEMORIES, an immersive episodic narrative, experienced through transformative conversations between father and daughter across barriers of time and space.

VR Block House Room

VR Design & Development with Unity3D

Design, Prototyping &  Development of AR/VR with Unity3D in 10-week immersion program. Focus on immersive storytelling.

Digital Dome – Immersive 360 Video & Motion Graphics

Hackathion Prototying

VR | AR Design Challenges & Hackathons

UX Storytelling Designer on Collaborative Teams

Mills Library photo

Interactive Media Arts, Graduate Fellowship

Media Design & Production


El Paso Train Station

1946 – Stories To The Moon

I am currently writing an episodic hybrid narrative/non-narrative experience. Unique character crossings blend the past and the present in face-to-face presence in virtual reality. More


  • Mobile VR
  • Iterative design
  • Experience in XR
  • 2D and 3D graphics
  • Rapid prototyping experience
  • Strong storytelling and narrative building skills
Recording of Beginnings of American Space Program in VR

6DOF Storytelling

My Role

As the Creative Producer and Designer of this experience I created this immersive storytelling prototype using Unity for the 6DOF Oculus Rift  platform and 3D assets creation apps. The UX user experience is a gaze-based interface. Experimenting with audio navigation VR participants to explore stories objects. More

Design Challenge

Unsatisfied with traditional 2D VR menu systems, this early phase project design offers participants a 3D experience while exploring embedded stories and story objects. In the next phase of design participants can grab, pick up and manipulate 3D story objects and have 360 experiences. We plan to build out the first level experience for the  Oculus Go, Lenovo Mirage Solo and HTC’s VIVE Focus,  Google Cardboard, Google Daydream and Samsung VR.


Instagram Collage
Instagram Gallery

Instagram Art Challenge

Challenge to create Instagram 100% on mobile phone.

My Role

I created all  photography, painting and collaged work on a mobile phone.

Design Challenge

Participating in Instagram artist communities we are sometimes given public domain images as prompts for our edits. In these cases I focus on color and composition studies.


Camera Apps

Pixite Apps:

Instagram Link

Shiprock Community App

Shiprock Community App

FB Volunteering App Screen

Shiprock Experience

I worked on this project as an Interactive Designer and Creative Prototyper and with filmmakers – Reel Indian Pictures. We received a Tribeca All Access® (TAA) Interactive Award for the interactive community driven design examples. More

My Role

As UX and Interactive Designer  for this Native America Youth Experience Project I created a proof of concept product including all graphic design, logo, layout, UX | UI, interactions and app prototyping. Photography of youth for app was contributed by the Navajo community.

Design Challenge

The Shiprock Experience, a rare immersive view of a unique place and its inhabitants inspired by The Mayors of Shiprock, a feature documentary, by Reel Indian Pictures about a young group of Navajo men and women transforming their long disenchanted community. The Shiprock Experience included this youth-oriented communication app assist in telling their stories and in self organizing to in making their community a better place.


Sherlock Holmes Enchanted Walking Stick

Sherlock Multifunctional Walking Stick

Multifunctional Enchanted Walking Stick

Our decentralized team participated in a prototype storytelling experience developed and run by the Columbia Digital Storytelling Lab. Sherlock Holmes & the Internet of Things is part of a massive connected crime scene taking place in over 20 countries. As designers, hackers and makers we focused on (1) Story, (2) Play, (3) Design and (4) Coding.

My Role

I designed a user journey and persona for a fiction reader making use of a prototype AR multifunctional walking stick to be used by a team following a Sherlock Holmes story in a place-based story location. I prototyped a GPS + story enhanced walking stick that could be used on a story walk. Other members of the team wrote a user story script of the walker to follow.

Design Challenge

Our team researched beacon driven AR technology. We worked from locations across the country organizing our work online via Google Hangouts and MOOC tools. In our immersive story space we used AI, IoT, AR and VR to meet our design challenge.


  • MOOC
  • Prototyping
  • Lost of tape to mark off crime scenes
  • Final Draft
  • Post-It Notes
  • Invision App
  • UX Tools

Art Card App

ARTCARD Details App Screen


Designed Art Card App for Annual Art Studio Tour featuring art, artist and studios. Developed as a participant in The Cocoa Conspiracy Group and the founder Andrew Stone.

My Role

As app experience designer I designed the UI interface for the app, the UX user experience, the app interactions and all the graphics.

Design Challenge

Located in Northern New Mexico and Georgia O’Keeffe country, the ART CARDS APP offers a view into the art of artists in the annual Studio Tour. Locations of artists are difficult to find. Which artist is at a particular stop important for visitors to organize their studio tour trek. Some artists are very well know and have their own website, there artists are know locally and may not be known to visitors.



  • UX | UI Designer

  • VR Immersive Designer

  • Emerging Media Designer

  • Narrative Driven Designer

  • Creative Designer/Producer

  • Rapid Prototyping of Ideation Projects


  • Oculus Launch Pad 2018 Fellow, Oculus Go, Immersive Design and Unity3D Prototype Development
  • Intensive VR Design and Unity3D Development,  Oculus Rift, storytelling prototype
  • Emerging | Immersive Media Design & Interactive, Convivial Studio
  • Emerging Media Design, Jewish Film Institute, San Francisco
  • VR-DAYS Immersive Experiences, SFFILM
  •  Creative Technologist, UX & Interactive Designer, Shiprock Experience Project
  • Independent Filmmaker, New Mexico Department of Tourism
  • UI | UX Design – ART CARD App, New Mexico State Tourism Department
  • Technologist, New Media Designer, Tribeca Film Insitute Hacks 
  • Creative Director & Producer of Interactive, Interval Research Corporation
  •  Interactive Prototype Designer, Microsoft
  • New Media Product Designer & Producer, LucasArts
  • New Media Consultant, Edutopia,  The George Lucas Educational Foundation
  • Producer & Interactive Prototyping, Hands On Media & Ellis Island Museum
  • Co-Director, Interactive Design & Producing, Lucasfilm / Apple Collaboration

Inspiring Experiences, Products & Collaborative Teams

Let’s Chat!

Call Me

Mobile: +1 415.914.5534

4 + 13 =

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